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A travel n gadget freak and @ the same time I try and make some Sense in the #Sensex

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oldest Ice Mummy


Scientists have scanned high-resolution 3-D images of the oldest ice mummy, Oetzi – one of the scientific world's greatest treasures. What's more, these images have been put up online for the public to get a glimpse of the 5,000-year old man, whose frozen body was discovered in a glacier in the Alps in 1991. The researchers took over 1,50,000 images from 12 different angles of the extraordinarily well-preserved body. Presented in an interface like Google Earth, users can zoom in to details such as Oetzi's 57 tattoos, see the whole body in 3-D, and even choose to view it in ultraviolet light. This one has to be seen to be believed, folks!


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